Monday, January 29, 2007

Vista DRM Cracked by Security Researcher

As predicted here on VenusBurn around New Year's Day, Windows Vista has been cracked by a security expert.

From Slashdot:

"Security researcher Alex Ionescu claims to have successfully bypassed the much discussed DRM protection in Windows Vista, called 'Protected Media Path' (PMP), which is designed to seriously degrade the playback quality of any video and audio running on systems with hardware components not explicitly approved by Microsoft. The bypass of the DRM protection was in turn performed by breaking the Driver Signing / PatchGuard protection in the new operating system. Alex is now quite nervous about what an army of lawyers backed by draconian copyright laws could do to him if he released the details, but he claims to be currently looking into the details of safely releasing his details about this at the moment though."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Discovering the Surface of Greenland

"A new technique provides clearer pictures of massive ice sheets--and better insight into future sea-level increases."

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Couple sees green via power push

From International Business Times:

"When the sun shines bright on their home in New York's Hudson Valley, John and Anna Bagnall live out a homeowner's fantasy. Their electricity meter runs backward. Solar panels on their barn roof can often provide enough for all their electricity needs. Sometimes — and this is the best part — their solar setup actually pushes power back into the system."

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sol Powered Home

"Yahoo! News is running an article about a New Jersey home that uses solar power to provide 100% of its energy needs, including fuel for the owner's hydrogen fuel cell-powered automobile."

Creating Ethanol from Trash

"Creating Ethanol from Trash" by Kevin Bullis

"Researchers find a way to make liquid fuels from waste cheaply and without the pollution produced by earlier methods."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Could HP Beat Moore's Law?

From Slashdot:

"A number type of nano-scale architecture developed in the research labs of Hewlitt-Packard could beat Moore's Law and advance the progress of microprocessor development three generations in one hit. The new architecture uses a design technique that will enable chip makers to pack eight times as many transistors as is currently possible on a standard 45nm field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Internet Visionaries Betting On Green Technology Boom

From The Washington Post:

"Bill Gates, John Doerr and Steve Case believed in the Internet long before Wall Street did. Now, they're betting on the next great "disruptive" technology: alternative fuels and other environmentally friendly products, but this time other investors aren't far behind."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dell Goes Green

This just in...Michael Dell, founder of Dell computers, promises to plant a tree for every pc recycled through his company. This is a great first step by a technology leader. Surely, as I predicted for 2007, others will contribute to green efforts as the year progresses.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Attention minimum wage!

Yahoo! reports:

"House Democrats pushed a $2.10 an hour increase in the federal minimum wage toward passage Wednesday."

Ten years is enough time to wait for a raise. Some people don't ever see as much. If the minimum wage is raised from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour, will it stagnate the U.S. economy? I don't think so.

"Organized labor and other supporters pitched the bill as coming to the aid of the working poor. Business groups and other opponents said it could lead to higher prices for goods and services, force small companies to pink-slip existing workers or hire fewer new ones, and crimp profits."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Green Definition

For those with inquiring minds, from the Wiki files:

"The Green movement encompasses the Green parties of various countries, and relies on the ideals of the larger ecology movement, peace movement, conservation movement, environmental movement and general trend towards environmentalism. The most extreme members are sometimes called Gaians. A more mainstream term for a member of all of these movements is political ecologist, which is used especially in Europe and academic circles."

Thanks, Sharon!

Monday, January 08, 2007

GM tries again

GM attempts again to mass produce fuel economy cars. It must be applauded for taking the initiative.

GM's New Electric Vehicle by Kevin Bullis
"The automaker tries again, announcing an electric-drive system that can be paired with gasoline generators or fuel cells."

The controversy continues...

From Slashdot:

"CNN reports that scientists at Harvard and Wake Forest have discovered a 'plentiful' non-embryonic source for stem cells, as well brain, liver, and bone cell types as well. The cells, found in amniotic fluid, can be harvested without harm to the donor or the donor's unborn child. While there's no proof that amniotic stem cells are as potent as embryonic stem cells, scientists are hopeful that this will be a huge step forward for the field of stem-cell research."

Friday, January 05, 2007

Grass clippings from space?

Imagine waking up and finding something of plastic and metal laying in your backyard. In your wildest dreams you might think it fell off of Santa's sleigh!!

"A spent Russian booster rocket re-entered the atmosphere Thursday over Colorado and Wyoming, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said. NORAD spokesman Sean Kelly said the agency was trying to confirm a report that a piece of the rocket may have hit the ground near Riverton, Wyoming, at about 6 a.m. Kelly said military personnel had not yet reached the scene. No damage was reported and the debris was not believed to be hazardous, NORAD said. Eyewitnesses reported seeing flaming objects in the sky at the time the rocket was re-entering, Kelly said."

Thanks Slashdot!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

China bypasses U.S. in coal emissions

Part I: China's Coal Future by Peter Fairley
"To prevent massive pollution and slow its growing contribution to global warming, China will need to make advanced coal technology work on an unprecedented scale. "

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Top 10 Predictions for 2007

Here are my predictions for up and coming 2007:

10. Nanotech booms.

9. Fortune 500 companies come face to face with the reality of global warming and try to do something about it. Governments still ignore potential consequences.

8. Cory Doctorow becomes a superstar in the realm of science fiction.

7. Automakers develop and mass produce green friendly vehicles and fuels.

6. A storm of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology goes on.

5. Microsoft's Windows Vista has a serious security flaw.

4. YouTube takes over primetime t.v.

3. Water is found on Mars just under the surface.

2. E coli bacteria can be gotten from terminal keyboards -- especially public ones.

1. Paris Hilton cuts a #1 smash hit single.

Happy New Year!!