Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Top 10 Predictions for 2007

Here are my predictions for up and coming 2007:

10. Nanotech booms.

9. Fortune 500 companies come face to face with the reality of global warming and try to do something about it. Governments still ignore potential consequences.

8. Cory Doctorow becomes a superstar in the realm of science fiction.

7. Automakers develop and mass produce green friendly vehicles and fuels.

6. A storm of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology goes on.

5. Microsoft's Windows Vista has a serious security flaw.

4. YouTube takes over primetime t.v.

3. Water is found on Mars just under the surface.

2. E coli bacteria can be gotten from terminal keyboards -- especially public ones.

1. Paris Hilton cuts a #1 smash hit single.

Happy New Year!!


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