Thursday, July 02, 2009

Busting the Internet

Jeff Bezos and Mark Frauenhauser are ruining the Internet economy and therefore, the World economy. Why? Because they keep sinking _all_ of their left over profits back into their companies! How do I know? Because Cory Doctorow, a writer for, Mark Frauenhauser's site, told me that the writers there get paid by splitting the advertising dollars after overhead costs are met.

Hey Mark!!

Did you know that in Accounting 202 in my university we learned that that business model is applied for DBA's, small companies, and businesses going into bankruptcy. Is Boing Boing one of those?? Damn! Do you need help balancing the books? I can cook, y'know. I've got a B.B.A. in Business. No shit. I know your site "BoingBoing" is a major Internet hub attracting readers and commentors from all parts of the U.S. and other parts of the globe. It's big, it's great; I think you should incorporate with the UK. You could call it Virgin Internet, Inc.

As for Jeff Bezos, well, y'know all the top Internet hubsite owners keep in touch, therefore all their business models are the same. Oh, Jeff's site is Perhaps I'll send him an e-mail blaming the majority of the U.S. recession on him, & a few other minor sites that don't count, like, mine -, maybe, I don't know - Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, other startups that caused the nation to explode with medically severe nerve damage. At least I still have my name.

Ok, so this is what we all guilty economy-crasher websites must do. Each one of us needs to three-up - I call Viridian Design and DJ Christian - and develop independent business models that feed the World economy in _different_ ways. An agreed upon requirement for all of us will be that we will give 10% of Revenues to a charity such as University scholarship creation, the homeless, and other economic sources that allowed that tri-party to come into existance. Then, if any spare change can be found - it would be encouraged that all the websites donate to a local church in Thanks for maintaining moral codes and standards in the Young who are new to the Internet and really could have torn a hole in the side of Man over the last 15 years.