Thursday, February 15, 2007

Power Generating Spacesuits

From :

"Piezoelectric sensors could help power future space missions. Astronauts' spacesuits may one day be covered in motion-sensitive proteins that could generate power from the astronauts' movement, according to futuristic research being conducted by a new lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US. Such 'power skins' could also be used to coat future human bases on Mars, where they could produce energy from the Martian wind. Eventually, the biologically derived suits might even be able to heal themselves."

John Edwards' Campaign Enters Second Life

From :

"It may not be an official effort — yet — but thanks to a grass-roots effort, John Edwards has become the first presidential candidate to set-up-shop in Second Life. Jerimee Richir, whose avatar is called Jose Rote, paid-for and developed Edwards' virtual headquarters, and, on a voluntary basis, is managing the in-world campaign. Considering that Second Life's user numbers are much smaller than other social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook — aside from generating press coverage — will campaigning in Second Life actually win many votes? Rote says yes, and that 'Second Life users are a unique audience, in that, they are first adopters. It is a smaller community, but I would argue it is a more influential community.'"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Portable Refinery Powered by Garbage

A Portable Refinery Powered by Garbage by Tyler Hamilton

"Researchers have built and tested for the military a portable machine that efficiently turns waste into electricity."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Massive Off-Shore Wind Turbines Safe for Birds

Massive Off-Shore Wind Turbines Safe for Birds by Peter Fairley

"Infrared monitoring shows that savvy seabirds steer clear of wind turbines."

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Climate Change: "Many, Many Smoking Guns"

Climate Change: "Many, Many Smoking Guns" by Peter Fairley
"Fourth in a series of international reports, due out tomorrow, reflects better science and more-precise models."