But wait, there's more. Let's consider the effect of the Internet on the World. Around 1995 the Internet went commercial. Academics in my circle and various on the Internet proper went nuts exclaiming that it wasn't secure enough for financial transactions while enterprises set up to cash in on the mass markets suddenly available due to the work of underpaid university faculty and students. Behold the IT .com bubble was born. On the one hand we had the global market door open to the little guy, the guy sitting at home behind his pc shipping out t-shirts, electronics, and stocks. On the other, we witnessed the power of corporations -- like Amazon, Ebay, and Microsoft -- reaching into the home. Remember when Yahoo! was home of the free?
Now the Internet Wars continue in the early 21st-century with the struggle between desktop computing and search engine mania. Blogs, or weblogs, count in the portfolio of search engine. Now is the era of Microsoft and Google. Of course, an era in terms of the Internet is between five and ten years. Google is a "humongatoid" since its inception in 1996 compared to Microsoft which was founded in 1975.
Paper networks cannot compete with the flash of the electronic Internet, thank goodness, save the trees. Although, unlike paper media, Internet date and time stamps have only recently been introduced to the Net via weblogs.