Monday, February 08, 2010

C. Doctorow to the top

It seems that in Cory Doctorow's climb to superpop stardom there is always someone dogging him. Take for instance this Web Celeb top 25 Forbes list where Cory is listed in the top 10, but only coming in at number 10.

1. Perez Hilton
2. Michael Arrington
3. Pete Cashmore
4. Evan Williams & Biz Stone
5. Kevin Rose
6. Guy Kawasaki
7. Heather "Dooce" Armstrong
8. Tila "Tequila" Nguyen
9. Gary Vaynerchuk
10. Cory Doctorow

I mean, who ARE these people anyway?! Cory is the only one who has a toe hold, and those toes are turning into large footsteps to follow.


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